With constant advancement in the technology field effecting everything from phones and computers to software, cloud storage, and data backup, why would you want to follow the same IT budget model every year?
An ever-changing list of IT possibilities should have business owners considering changing their company needs and investigating advancements that could be beneficial to them. Since budgeting requires more than just punching numbers into a spreadsheet, continue reading below for the top 5 answers to common IT budgeting questions.
1. Should You Invest in Qualified IT Staff?
Now is the time to assess your IT staff and make individual evaluations based on performance, downtime, and the value they bring to the business. With the IT sector facing a shortage in recent years of skilled professionals, it is vital to make sure your team is built well, not your best friend’s son who is studying information technology at college. As technology advances, untrained staff could be costly in the long run. You need IT professionals who are available, knowledgeable, and helpful.
2. Do I Need to Care About IoT?
IoT, also known as the Internet of Things, needs to be at the forefront of a business’s budget planning. With assigned IP address attached to an object (natural or man made) so as to transfer data over a network, this emerging technology encompasses almost every aspect of daily living. Increasingly, organizations across a variety of industries use IoT to function more efficiently, deliver better customer service, and increase the value of their business. In 2019 most tech decision makers have planned to increase their IoT spending.
3. Why is The Cloud Important to Me?
Expansion and accessibility are the key words when describing the Cloud. Businesses today are relying on cloud apps to deliver streamlined operations for their business. With access being so extremely convenient, the Cloud offers a cheaper solution for owners wanting to forego costs regarding infrastructure and implementation. Businesses need to include the Cloud in their 2019 IT budget to keep them competitive and flexible as their needs change.
4. Will I Need to Increase My Cybersecurity?
Yes! When a business becomes more dependent on IoT and cloud technologies, it is imperative to keep your security up to date. Losing customer data and having your system held ransom sounds like fantastical movie plots, but they are very real. All bases must be covered to detect and prevent cyber attacks. As mentioned above, having qualified IT staff who are knowledgeable and trained will help your business stay safe and secure.
5. Are Big Data Analytic Tools Needed?
Once considered a buzzword, big data analytic tools are now a fact of business life. These tools are capable of identifying trends, detecting patterns, and gathering other valuable information so as to keep big data management issues at bay. Well-planned analytical processes as well as staff are needed to leverage this technology so they can carry an effective analytic initiative. Having a budget for this will help your IT department determine what tools will work best, and if any additional software will be needed for their analysis.
Some advancements mentioned above are just recently becoming essential for businesses, however, cybersecurity and cloud-based apps are now necessary for day to day operations. The key to a successful year, is having the right people for the job.
Contact us so that we can help you keep your IT Budget on track for 2019. Because at Whole IT Solutions we take the time to understand your business, not just technology.