tips and tricks all users need to know

Those people who consider themselves to be hardcore computer users then they are probably a part of the group of people who don’t think that there is any reason for them to bother with learning new computer-related tricks. However, there are always new tricks to learn and all of them are things that computer users can make use of regardless of how experienced they are with a computer.

General Tips

Controlling multiple monitors

Multiple monitors can be a tricky thing for new users as it isn’t totally obvious how to set them up and you may find yourself in that bizarre and irritating situation where you have to move the mouse left to get it onto a monitor to the right of your primary one and you have no idea how to fix it.

To fix this setup issue, however, all you need to do is go into the display section of your settings and rearrange the monitors so the secondary is set in the appropriate location.

Password protecting your files

An easy way to further protect important data is to create an archive of the data and set the contents to be encrypted with a password. This should serve as a further roadblock to access of that data, in addition to the system password itself.

Delete old versions of Windows

Most computers keep a copy of the previous version of windows after an update which is an unnecessary drain on hard drive space as few people will ever need this for anything and there are easier ways to roll back your system.

Command Prompt

To open the command prompt window, go into the search bar and type “cmd” without the quotes to find the command prompt. This will enable you to use a wide variety of different commands to alter various system settings.

Typing-Related Tricks

Deleting words

When typing, it is often necessary to delete words quickly to get rid of superfluous content. The best ways to do this do not, however, involve putting the cursor at the start or end of a word and hitting delete or backspace or highlighting a word and hitting one of these. The best way is to get rid of the whole word at once by using the Ctrl+Backspace keyboard shortcut.

Move cursor to the start of a word

Quickly moving the mouse cursor around when typing is a simple and time-saving trick. All you need to do is use the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+Right Arrow/Left Arrow, depending on which word you want to move to. This is an extremely handy trick that will save you plenty of time in the long run.

To learn about more tips and tricks to help improve your computer literacy, contact us today.

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